Frequently Asked Questions


Which level should I take?

We advise students when in doubt to take the lower level, that way you can get an idea of the teacher’s class format and style, and go up a level if necessary.

What should I expect from different levels?

Basic classes are available for Hip Hop only, the class teaches you the grooves and foundation of Hip Hop which is essential to make the choreography look like Hip Hop.

Beginner classes are geared towards students dancing for the first time, through to dancers of a few years. The class consists of a warm up and a short choreography with a lot of repetition to allow students to get used to foundation, style and learn to remember short choreography. This class is supposed to challenge beginner dancers, and the aim is on developing skill sets rather than completing choreography.

Intermediate classes are for students of 1+ years that need a greater challenge. Class consists of a warm up and a medium length choreography, there is still a lot of repetition, but focus is more on choreography and details rather than style and foundation of the dance.

Advanced classes are for students of 3+ years that need a greater challenge. Class consists of a warm up and a longer choreography, there will be some repetition but class moves faster than intermediate. Focus will be on choreography, details and performance.

All classes are a safe space for those looking to learn. Supporting your fellow dancers is encouraged. If you love to dance, you’re a dancer.

What should I wear to dance classes?

Appropriate clothing for classes usually consists of comfortable clothing that allows range of motion. This could consist of t-shirts, leggings, sweatpants etc. Cotton is usually a recommended fabric, as it is breathable.

For Ballet, tight fitting clothing is recommended, e.g. leotard, tights, leggings, fitted tshirt. Ballet shoes are required for the safety of the student, as dancing with bare feet or socks can risk serious injury to the body.

Is there an age limit?

Our adult classes are aimed at dancers age 13+ due to potential song content of some classes. Younger children may sign up at the parent’s discretion, and parent’s are welcome to contact The Hub to discuss appropriate classes with a staff member.

Can I take a trial class?

Because our classes are drop-in, it is possible to just take one class at any time. There is no requirement for a membership payment or subscription unless you choose to take one of the specialized programmes.

Class packages are available and help those looking to regularly train make the cost more manageable, however the class packages do not tie you in to a specific class, style or teacher, they can still be used for any class.