✨Delicious Green Juice✨

Because it can be hard to get the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, we have put together this green juice recipe that’s not only delicious, but also nutritious!


Ingredients (per serving):

  • 1 cup of spinach

  • 1/3 cucumber

  • 1/2 green apple

  • 2cm of ginger (or to taste)

  • 2 slices of lemon

Blend all ingredients and serve. To enjoy without the pulp, use either a juicer, or strain with cheesecloth before serving.


Spinach benefits:

✨Spinach is low in calories but is packed with nutrition

✨Vitamin A is known to reduce signs of aging

✨Rich in vitamin C, D, K, Calcium, potassium and magnesium, which help bone strength and the immune system

✨Vitamin C, Lutein and Nitrite all help with heart health

Cucumber benefits:

✨Vitamin A helps with healthy skin, vision and the immune system

✨High in antioxidants which help reduce the free radicals that lead to a number of major diseases including some cancers

✨A great source of hydration as they are around 96% water

Green apple benefits:

✨High in fiber which helps with digestion and maintaining a healthy gut

✨Packed with vitamins and minerals that aid in many ways from skin and hair health, to diabetes, to weight loss and many more

✨The high fiber content with lower sugar amount than a red apple helps boost metabolism while maintaining energy

Ginger benefits:

✨Antibacterial properties help with oral health

✨Studies show that people who use ginger regularly experience less muscle soreness

✨Anti-inflammatory properties help with arthritis and other major illnesses

Lemon benefits:

✨High in vitamin C which helps with immune strength and skin health

✨Polyphenol antioxidants aid in weight loss and improve insulin regulation

✨Citric acid helps prevent kidney stones

These are some of the many benefits the ingredients of this juice provide, making it a clear winner in our book!


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