✨5 Minute Morning Stretches✨

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We all know that stretching is an essential part of pre and post-workout routines. Although, oftentimes, it falls to the bottom of the priority list. Dancers, in particular, need to pay closer attention to daily stretching, however these stretches are great for anyone looking to stay healthy.

Before and after class, proper stretching can prevent injury, increase flexibility, and improve balance and posture. 


  1. Preventing injury

    Routinely stretching increases blood flow to your muscles and joints, particularly when your muscles are already warm. The more you prepare your muscles before exercising, the less likely you will endure an injury. Injury prevention is not the only benefit, though. Stretching also reduces post-workout DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)

  2. Increasing flexibility

    Flexibility is essential to a healthy and supple body for any dancer. The more often you stretch, the more consistently you will notice each stretch becoming easier to complete. You will be able to go farther, creating longer lines as you lengthen your muscles. Eventually, you will see a wider range of motion, and your dancing will become easier

  3. Improving posture

    Stretching helps correct posture by lengthening tight muscles. In fact, it can even reverse long-term bad postural habits. This is particularly true for those of us spending long days sitting at a desk. Fixing your body’s alignment will help you move and feel better. As if that wasn’t motivation enough, workouts become more effective because you will target the correct muscle groups needed for optimal training

  4. Improving balance

    To execute each move and sequence correctly, a strong center of gravity is key. As you gain improved flexibility and strength, your posture and balance will naturally begin to improve, making each step easier to complete

Stretching doesn’t have to be a chore either. These simple stretches can be done in 5 minutes or less and require no equipment to perform!



 Muscles worked: hamstrings, hip flexors, low back, calves.

 1.    Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front.

2.    Keep your toes pointed towards the ceiling and extend your hands towards your feet (don’t worry if you can’t reach all the way to your feet). 

3.    As you extend your back to reach your toes, tuck your head into your chest.

4.    Hold the stretch for 30 seconds. 


Tip: focus on your breathing as you stretch. Keep your breathing even for a deeper stretch. 



 Muscles worked: hips, groin, inner thighs, knees.

 1.    Sit on the floor with the soles of your feet pressed together

2.    Push down into your legs in the sitting position

3.    Straighten your spine, tucking your chin towards your chest

4.    Inhale, lengthening your spine with each breath

5.    Focus on pushing the stretch deeper into the floor with each exhale

6.    Hold the position for 30 seconds or as long as you can.


Tip: for a deeper stretch, move your feet closer to your hips

Side lunge

 Muscles worked: quads, glutes, hamstrings. 

 1.    Start with your feet shoulder-width apart

2.    Shift your body weight to one leg, bending at the knee until you reach a 90-degree angle

3.     Keep the other leg straight with the soles of your feet flat on the ground and your toes pointed forward

4.    Return to the center and switch legs

5.    Complete 8-10 reps on both sides.

Tip: deepen your stretch for more of a challenge

Pigeon pose

 Muscles worked: hips, lower back. 

 1.    Start in a tabletop position, using a mat on the floor. 

2.    Bring your right leg forward, bent at the knee, and fold it in front of you, with your right foot toward the left side of the mat.

3.    Extend your left leg behind you, pressing the left foot to the mat as far as you can.

4.    Lift your head toward the sky and keep your chest up. 

5.    Hold the pose, inhaling for five breaths before switching to the other leg.


Tip: start with your ankle close to your thigh, and as flexibility increases move it closer to a 90 degree angle for an increased stretch.

Stretching is a great way to take a break from a busy work week to recharge and strengthen your body. Remember to keep up with your stretching routine. While the best time to stretch is when muscles are warm, stretching is so beneficial that whenever you can squeeze it in, you should.

By Catherine Stock


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